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Wednesday 22 April 2015

Book review: Girl Online by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella.

Some of you might not be too interested in reviews or books, but I really wanted to review this book today.

The book I'm reviewing is: Girl Online by Zoella. 
I've read the book once, and I'm reading it again as I love it. Zoella made the book: interesting, funny, exciting, and at some points it made me want to cry. I'm not going to give anything away as you might want to read it. But the thing that got me all excited was the blurb. I will write the blurb as you will probably read the blurb before you actually read the book. The blurb reads:

Penny has a secret.

Under the alias Girl Online, Penny blogs her hidden feelings about friendship, boys, her crazy family and the panic attacks that have begun to take over her life. When things go for, bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets Noah: a gorgeous, guitar-strumming American. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.

But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever.

I mean, let's be honest, the blurb makes you want to read it straight away, and that's what I find so great about a book. I think the thing that is most effective about Zoe's book, is that she describes everything and it makes you feel like you're actually there, as if you're Penny (the main character). 
The other thing I love is that it's written in a first person perspective, it just makes you feel more part of the book. 
The book also creates so much imagery, that it just makes you want to carry on, and the drama in Penny's life, adds extra effect to the whole thing.

The things that happen to Penny in the book, could actually happen in real life, and I think the whole realistic thing about the book, was incredibly written. 
Although Zoe's videos and blogs are great, her book is just as great. Her skills in writing novels clearly proves that she can do other things, and I think that should be respected and noticed.

If I had to describe her book in one word, it would be: gratifying (if you dont know what gratifying means, it's basically another word for really really good).

I hope you enjoyed my book review on Zoella's book, and if you don't have it, or you haven't read it already, I really suggest you do as it's such an amazing book, and you get all sorts of emotions throughout the book. The best bit is, is that not only do I love her book, but I genuinely love Zoe. She's such a lovely person (as seen from her videos), and one day I'd love to meet her.


Monday 20 April 2015

My future

Although I am 13 years old, I feel as if I've got my whole life sorted out already.
I'm one of those people who love planning things, because then (usually) it all works out well, and I really hope that my lifestyle dreams work out well.

So in today's vlog, I wanted to share with you my plans for the future, for when I leave college.

First, I'm obviously going to leave college, but when I'm 17, I wanted to start my driving lessons, as I'm determined to drive as quick as possible. Hopefully I will have passed my driving test by the age of 18, and for my 18th birthday, I'd love a car. The car I want is: a Volkswagen Golf, in a dark grey colour. I'm not too sure why, I just love the car.

When I've passed my driving test and I've got a car, I want to move out. I will always stay in contact with my family, as they mean the absolute world to me. This is why I wanted a car first, so then I can travel to see them.
I don't want to just move out, and stay in the town I live in now, I want to move to Brighton. Ever since I've been little, I've always wanted to move to Brighton, because I love the sea, and it's such a beautiful place. Also my godfathers (they're gay, but I love them so much) live in Brighton, and I think it would be great living near them, especially as I spent (and still spending) the majority of my childhood living far away from them.

When I get to Brighton, I want to be living in a flat by myself, once I get settled in, I obviously need a job, right?! Well, the job I really want is a chef, and if I don't make it as a chef, I want to work from home.
One day I hope to find a boyfriend, who I will be extremely happy with, and eventually move in with them (in a house, rather than a flat) and then once we have been living together for a few months, I'd love to get a Jack Russell puppy, male.
No matter what happens, I will always continue my YouTube channels. For those who don't know my YouTube channels they are: Ayshee. This channel is random. I make: vlogs, hair&makeup tutorial, DIY videos, hauls etc.
My other channel is: AysheeVlogs. This channel is literally vlogs.

So that's my plan of the future, and I really hope it comes true.
Sorry for the incredibly long post, but I hope you enjoyed reading it.


Wednesday 15 April 2015

Sorry I haven't posted xx

Hi guys, so first I'd like to apologise for not posting in ages, that's because I've recently moved house and haven't had interent. But I now do. Yayyy.
So now... The actual post:

As you know, I've recently moved house. I've finally finished sorting out my new room and it's been so stressful. But because I wanted to finish it so badly, I just got on with it. But whilst I was cleaning my room (this was a couple of days ago), I found a ton of pictures of my passed dogs; Spicky and Tilly. They both passed away 2 and 3 years ago, and I'm still grieving.
Although I love Pip and Bobby (my current dogs) and Pumpkin (my hamster), and I know it's okay and normal to still grieve over the loss of a loved pet, I don't think I'll ever recover from the loss of my dogs.
I really don't mean to sound so silly and depressing, but I felt as if the only place I could write about it, is here, on my blog. I would start a diary, but they are so boring and I always seem to forget. Besides in a diary, I can't share my feelings with you guys.

Also, not only did I miss my dogs like crazy, but I think I over thought the whole situation a little too much, as I started getting all panicky and upset. I just remember crying and feeling trapped, as if I couldnt breathe.
It really freaked me out, I don't think I've ever felt so scared and panicked in my whole life. But yesterday, I also had another one of these moments, and I still have no idea what it is.

I'd really appreciate it if someone would help me out by letting me know if they've felt this way before, and how they solved it.
Although no one might be reading this, but if you are, I'd love to hear from you.
Let me know in the comments❤️

