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Thursday 30 July 2015


Since I've been a little girl I've been obsessed with Disney. 
Still to this day, I'm obsessed with it.

I love the songs, the characters, just everything about Disney. 
I love Disney Princesses. When I was little my favourite was Snow White (from Snow White.. Obviously), now my favourite is Belle (from Beauty and Beast).

There's nothing abut Disney that is bad, they are the perfect film.
If you've heard people say "you're never too old for Disney." Trust me, it's true. My parents still watch Disney and enjoy every moment of it.

My top 5 favourite Disney movies:
1) Beauty and the Beast
2) The Little Mermaid
3) The Lion King
4) Pocahontas
5) Aristocats

My top 5 favourite Disney songs:
1) Part of that world - The Little Mermaid 
2) Colours of the Wind - Pocahontas
3) Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast
4) On my way - Brother Bear
5) We are One - The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride

My top 5 Disney characters:
1) Belle - Beauty and the Beast
2) Ariel - The Little Mermaid
3) Kiara&Nala - The Lion King&The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride
4) Pocahontas - Pocahontas 
5) Koda - Brother Bear

What are your favourite movies, songs and characters from Disney?
What do enjoy the most about Disney?

I was listening to some Disney songs on my Spotify, and got the idea of writing the blog. I know it's the most random blog ever, but oh well. Blogs are blogs, post whatever you want, random or serious, it doesn't matter.
Hope you enjoyed the rather, random blog.


Thursday 23 July 2015


Final pet: Pumpkin

Name of Pet: Pumpkin 
Type of Pet: Hamster 
Breed of Pet: Cream Banded Syrian
Current Age: 1 year
Birthday: 7th January 2014
Day of Adoption: 7th February 2014
Picture of Pet on first day of Adoption:
Other Info:
Pumpkin was very easy to tame. He cooperated really well and loves been handled.
He has never bitten anyone and he is lovely.
He is ginger and white, and has the cutest black eyes.
He loves playing in his ball, and running around on my bed and my floor. He loves his exercise wheel and enjoys chewing his chews. 
He's very hyper and loves trying to see my dogs (but he can't, for safety reasons). He loves sleeping in his blue igloo, and eating his favourite treat; cucumber. 
Pumpkin doesn't drink as much as you'd expect, but he drinks enough. Either way, he gets given 4 small bits of cucumber a day (2 in the morning, 2 at night), and cucumber is a water based vegetables so he gets water in his system anyway. 
Pumpkin suffered from head trauma last year and it made his right eye a lot smaller than his left. His left eye pops out (like it should do) whereas his right eye doesn't, this means he has a high chance of going blind in his right eye.
He has a very big cage which he goes in for summer, but since he's getting old, he could pass away any day soon, so he stays in his small cage, just so if he does go over he rainbow bridge (hamster heaven), he can be comfortable.
Hopefully, he's got a little while yet though. He's an amazing little boy and I love him so so much.

Favourite Picture of you and pet or just the pet:
Date of picture above: 5th April 2014


Next pet: Bobby.

Name of Pet: Bobby 
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed of Pet: Jack Russell
Current Age: 1 year
Birthday: 2nd August 2013
Day of Adoption: 6th December 2014
Picture of Pet on first day of Adoption:
Other Info:
Bobby is just as crazy and energetic as his twin brother Pip.
Pip and Bobby were 'reunited' on December 6 2014, and they've gotten on well and stuck together since. 
Bobby finds learning new things very difficult. He was treated very badly before I got him and never taught anything. Bobby was beaten by belts before I managed to get him to move in with my family, but luckily, he's with a loving family who treats him well. 
Bobby has now been living with us for just over 7 months, and I have been training him every day since, and he still hasn't quite got the jist of it. He knows how to sit (but only when food or treats are involved), he doesn't know how to lie down or wait/leave yet, but it's slowly but gradually getting there.
Before Bobbby was taken by me, he wasn't treated the right food, and he was not on the right diet. He was given left over food from owners dinners, rather than dog food, so he had a lot more weight than Pip. He's still bigger than Pip, but he's not over weight
He was very food orientated when he first moved in, but now he's eating the right food diet and is the healthy weight for his age.
He's such a friendly dog and loving to people as well as other animals. He's great.

Favourite Picture of you and pet or just the pet:
Date of picture above: 12th March 2015


I'm going to do fact files on each of my pets, and I will start with Pip. 

Name of Pet: Pip
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed of Pet: Jack Russell
Current Age: 1 year
Birthday: 2nd August 2013
Day of Adoption: 2nd October 2013
Picture of Pet on first day of Adoption:
Other Info:
Pip is a crazy, energetic, playful, funny, amazing dog. He was a great puppy and is now a great adolescent.
He has always been a quick and easy learner, and found his puppy classes (when he was a puppy... Obviously) very easy. He learned to do simple things such as; sit, lie down and wait/leave, very quickly.
He's quite skinny, but not underweight.
He eats the correct amount of food per day, but seems to not put on as much weight. 
He's healthy, and very friendly.
He's the twin brother of Bobby, and they get on so well.

Favourite Picture of you and pet or just the pet:
Date of picture above: 6th April 2015

Saturday 18 July 2015

Perfect friendship

The majority of teenage girls just argue right? 
One minute they're friends with someone, another minute, they hate each other's guts.
That occurs to me a lot too. I argue all the time with my 'friends'. I don't talk to anyone from primary school anymore as I've argued with all of them, and removed them from my life. 
People who go to my secondary school, I argue with them on a daily basis. And I've definitely lost all of them now, especially with the fact that one of them made my mum cry because he said something very cruel to her.

But I don't need any of those. They aren't worth my time or energy, and if you are treated like rubbish by your 'friends' then find new ones, don't waste your time on people who aren't good enough for you. 
I know it's hard to end friendships, but if it makes you happy, then do it, no matter how difficult it is. 
That's what I had to do yesterday evening, and although I found it super tough, I'm relieved that they aren't part of my life anymore.

However, even though I've lost all of them rubbish friends, I've had one, perfect, amazing bestfriend who has stuck by me for 5 years. I don't regret meeting her and I'm so happy to have never had a major arguement that has ended our friendship. That will never happen, our friendship is too strong.
Her names Jodie, she's my everything.
Not only is she my bestfriend, she's my sister. And I'm sure everyone has a bestfriend who is practically their family, that's Jodie, to me. 
She doesn't judge anyone, she doesnt stereotype, none of that. She's just amazing. She's the most gorgeous girl I know - inside and out - and she's good at everything (in my eyes anyway). She's put up with me for 5 years and I don't understand how :').

Everyone has a perfect friend, don't they, and if you don't, you'll find one very soon, I'm sure.
So as you can see, Jodie is my bestfriend and I'm sure your bestfriends are as amazing to you as she is to me.
Remember, your true friends stick by you, and never leave you, under any circumstances.


This is me and Jodie from 5 years ago, up until last year.
Many blog posts will be up when I spend time with her throughout the summer.

Have an amazing summer everyone.

Friday 17 July 2015

Everything is turning upside down

Turns out, my blog post earlier wasn't absolutely right.
This evening, I lost every single one of my friends. Out of spite they said some really horrible stuff;
They said I used them, they said I was fake, I was bad at singing (which I found quite funny) and they even tried to turn my all time bestest friend against me.

They brought up what had had happened in the past and told me that it was my own fault that I got bullied and I deserved this.
If anyone ever says this to you, ignore them. No one deserves to get bullied, not even haters. Bullying is something that is extremely hard to deal with, and for someone to say you deserve to get bullied, they are wrong. No one deserves it.

Those who have never been bullied before, you're very lucky human beings. Don't take life for granted. 
Those who bully, stop. It's putting other people's lives at risk.
Bulling can end in horrible situations. People self harm, exclude themselves and worst comes to worst: commit suicide. 
Bully's make people feel bad about themselves and are emotionally and (sometimes) physically abusing people's lives. If people commit suicide or self harm because of their hurtful actions, they have to live with that guilt forever.

I just really advise bully's to stop bullying and victims of bullying to do something about it; tell a teacher, a friend or a family member, trust me it really helps. 

I didn't really know where to go to write this, I don't get much support (especially since school is over and my friends all hate me), so I came to my blog. I know I can be honest, and not have to worry about being judged.
I don't even know if anyone reads my blogs, but if you do, thank you for taking up your time to read this - rather depressing - blog.



End of Year 9

Today, I finished Year 9.
Year 9 has been one of my hardest years at school. Not because you get extra hard work, you pick your choices for GCSE, or the bitchiness from girls gets larger, but for the first time in my life, I got bullied.
I never thought that being bullied would be as difficult as I experienced. I got bullied twice, by the same girl (I'm not giving out names as that's unfair).
I got emotionally, mentally and physically bullied for a total of 4 months. I know many people would have probably been bullied longer, but that's 4 months of my life, ruined. 
If I didn't have all the amazing friends I've made this year, I would of been screwed. My friends were there for me when I found life most difficult. 

On top of the bullying I'd found out that my baby cousin (who has just turned two) had a tumour, luckily they were able to remove it, but then it turned into cancer (currently she's in America having treatment, as the treatment is unavailable in England). Not only was I being bullied, and thinking about my baby cousin constantly, I also worried about my mum (she has many illnesses, and it's scary to think that she could die whilst I'm at school). Even with all of this on my mind, this year, I learned that I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety (I have been to a doctor to confirm, I don't just assume I have it, but I know I do now).
Due to all of the worrying about my family and my bullying, I had exams.. Important exams, and from all of the stress and panick, I failed them. Although I failed my exams, I'm proud of how far I have come. I've never been a good student; I get distracted easy, and I struggle to stay concerntrated, and I'm so happy of the person I am.

Although it's been hard, I've had my amazing friends and teachers (mainly my head of year) to support me every step of he way, and I'm so grateful to have such great friends and teachers.
If I was to give 5 pieces of advice for year 9, it would be:
1) Work Hard
2) Don't Give Up
3) Revise
4) Don't Panic About Exams or Tests
5) Enjoy It

If anyone is going into year 9 very soon, good luck and have a great time


Thursday 16 July 2015

My YouTube channels

I'd first like to start this post by apologising for not posting in months. I'm going to try and post 3 or 4 times a week from now on.

On with the blog.

I'd really like to share with you my YouTube Channels. I have 3.

My Main Channel: Ayshee

Ayshee is my Main Channel, I post more frequently on this channel more than the other two. 
Currently (on the date of writing this) I only have 29 subscribers and I'd really love more. 
I love recording, editing and uploaded for people entertainment, so doing YouTube is a big part of my daily life.
On Ayshee, I do videos related with hair, beauty and other random things. I do videos with my friends and my sister, and I also do videos that are either requested or I think will be fun. I try to do videos to allow my viewers to get to know me better, and I love recording them.

My Vlogging Channel: AysheeVlogs

AysheeVlogs is my Second Channel. I don't post on it very often as I'm incredibly busy with school work, so I don't have much time to vlog, but as its the 6 weeks holiday in a couple of days, I'm going to try my absolute hardest to daily vlog for the 6 weeks.
I love vlogging a lot, but I just don't have much equipment for vlogging, which makes it harder to do.
I have to record off of my iPad and edit from my iPad, and the best vlogging equipment is probably: 
- a small pocket camera
- a laptop
Laptops are much better editing devices than iPads as you can do so much more on them. 
This is the reason I don't upload every week, but I am trying. 

My Singing Channel: AysheeSings

Finally, AysheeSings is my Third Channel, I (again) very rarely upload videos on this channel, as I don't have a ton of time to record singing videos.
Singing is probably the best thing I'm good at, and I'm not even amazing at it. I really enjoy singing and I never get the opportunity to sing solos at school concerts as my stage fright gets the better of me or my teachers basically tell me, I'm not good enough (which definitely helps my self esteem.. NOT). 
The only way I feel confident about performing in front of people, is by uploading videos as I don't actually have to look at people whilst singing, I just have to sing to the camera.

So, I'd really love it, if anyone reading this (if anyone is) would check out my channels and let me know what they think I can do to improve on and what they liked in the comments. 
Remember, I will try and blog more frequently, so keep and eye out.
