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Saturday 18 July 2015

Perfect friendship

The majority of teenage girls just argue right? 
One minute they're friends with someone, another minute, they hate each other's guts.
That occurs to me a lot too. I argue all the time with my 'friends'. I don't talk to anyone from primary school anymore as I've argued with all of them, and removed them from my life. 
People who go to my secondary school, I argue with them on a daily basis. And I've definitely lost all of them now, especially with the fact that one of them made my mum cry because he said something very cruel to her.

But I don't need any of those. They aren't worth my time or energy, and if you are treated like rubbish by your 'friends' then find new ones, don't waste your time on people who aren't good enough for you. 
I know it's hard to end friendships, but if it makes you happy, then do it, no matter how difficult it is. 
That's what I had to do yesterday evening, and although I found it super tough, I'm relieved that they aren't part of my life anymore.

However, even though I've lost all of them rubbish friends, I've had one, perfect, amazing bestfriend who has stuck by me for 5 years. I don't regret meeting her and I'm so happy to have never had a major arguement that has ended our friendship. That will never happen, our friendship is too strong.
Her names Jodie, she's my everything.
Not only is she my bestfriend, she's my sister. And I'm sure everyone has a bestfriend who is practically their family, that's Jodie, to me. 
She doesn't judge anyone, she doesnt stereotype, none of that. She's just amazing. She's the most gorgeous girl I know - inside and out - and she's good at everything (in my eyes anyway). She's put up with me for 5 years and I don't understand how :').

Everyone has a perfect friend, don't they, and if you don't, you'll find one very soon, I'm sure.
So as you can see, Jodie is my bestfriend and I'm sure your bestfriends are as amazing to you as she is to me.
Remember, your true friends stick by you, and never leave you, under any circumstances.


This is me and Jodie from 5 years ago, up until last year.
Many blog posts will be up when I spend time with her throughout the summer.

Have an amazing summer everyone.

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